500+ Arabic words at your fingertips!

About us

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, welcome!

A little word about the creators behind this website

The main person behind this website is Jacob Huisman, from the Netherlands, currently living in Morocco. He has been passionate about learning Arabic for several years. He studies Arabic online at Markaz al-Furqan, based in Egypt.

His wife has a background in learning Arabic as well. She has now enrolled in an online Arabic program at the Islamic University, based in Madinah.

In our journey of learning Arabic, we became aware of the fact that there aren’t good resources for learning Arabic words, specifically. We know that it’s very beneficial to have a tool to practice Arabic words, expanding one’s Arabic vocabulary.

The idea of Learn Arabic Words arose in 2015. That’s when we started the website with the .com domain. We wanted to make learning Arabic words accessible and easy for everyone! At that time, we also had over 500 Arabic words listed and had more than 1000 visitors a month from all over the world. It made us happy seeing such an overflow of positive feedback and wonderful ideas. Unfortunately, the website (likely) got hacked and we lost all of our content.

Recently, we saw the need to remake the website and we updated it. The result of our efforts is in front of your eyes! We are planning to add new words on a daily basis, and there is an app coming soon in shaa Allah! With this app you’ll be able to memorize the words efficiently and there will be a feature built in to test yourself and track your progress. Also, the words on our website are checked by qualified Arabic teachers to ensure that you memorize the correct words!

We hope that you’ll benefit from our website the way we have intended when we made it. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, let us know. You can do that through the “feedback” tab, or email us at info@learnarabicwords.net.